@extends('includes.layout') @section('content')

Moderation Auto Escalation

Weekly mod velocity = 12 days (System Computed Value)
@if(count($moderationData) > 0) @foreach($moderationData as $item) @php $status = ($item->status == 'red') ? 'Overdue' : 'In_Review'; $daysRemaining = (int)explode(' ', $item->daysRemaining)[0]; // Extract the number of days @endphp @else - @endif @endforeach @else @endif
User User Type Email UPC UPC Type Created Time Time for Escalation Escalation   Level 1 (Asana) Escalation Level 2 (Slack)
{{ $item->User }} @if($item->usertype === 'Enterprise') crown {{ $item->usertype }} Enterprise User @elseif($item->usertype === 'Priority') priority

{{ $item->usertype }}

Priority User
@else {{ $item->usertype === "Normal" ? "Free" : $item->usertype }} Normal User @endif
{{ $item->Email }} {{ $item->upc }} @if($item->upctype === 'Enterprise') crown Enterprise @elseif($item->upctype === 'Premium') crown Premium @else Free @endif {{ $item->Created_Time }}
{{$status}} {{ $item->daysRemaining }}
@if($item->Level2) @else - @endif @if($item->Level1 == '1') {{ 'Escalated on ' . $item->level1_at }}
No data available in table
Items per page:
{{ $moderationData->currentPage() }} - {{ $moderationData->total() }} of {{ $moderationData->lastPage() }}