@extends('includes.layout') @section('content')
Autonomous | Description | Action |
Mail Template Create | Add our own template for mail content | Modify |
Mail Signature | Add our own Mail signature | Modify |
Tags | Add our tags and modify | Modify |
Auto Suggest | UNDER DEVELOPMENT.... | |
Manage Store | - | Modify |
Autonomous Levels | Allows the superadmin to configure the autonomous levels (UNDER DEVELOPMENT....) | Modify |
Groups | Allows the superadmin to Add/Modify the groups & Associate group Vs users | Modify |
Roles | Allows the superadmin to Add/Modify the Associate role Vs group | Modify |
Auto escalation | Allows the superadmin to Add/Modify the Auto escalation (UNDER DEVELOPMENT....) | Modify |
Mail Template Create | Add our own template for mail content | Modify |
Create Shortcut | Add our own shortcut links to navigation (UNDER DEVELOPMENT....) | Modify |
Mail Signature | Add our own Mail signature | Modify |
Tags | Add our tags and modify | Modify |
Auto Suggest | UNDER DEVELOPMENT.... | |
Contact Group/list | - | Modify |
Moderation Auto Escalation | - | Modify |
Manage Store | - | Modify |